Aardwolf Pest Solutions: Affordable Ways to Control Subterranean Termites and Mosquitoes

Subterranean termites and mosquitoes can be a major nuisance, but fortunately Aardwolf Pest Solutions is here to help. We provide reliable, affordable, and safe pest control services to help you get rid of these troublesome pests. In this article, we will discuss some of the most effective ways to control subterranean termites and mosquitoes with Aardwolf Pest Solutions’ services.

What Are Subterranean Termites?

Subterranean termites are small, wood-destroying insects that live and feed on the cellulose found in wood. They are found in many parts of the world and are considered a major pest in many areas. Unlike other types of termites, subterranean termites build colonies in the soil and feed on the wood structures above ground. They are capable of causing extensive damage to structures and can be difficult to control without professional help.

What Are Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are small flying insects that can cause a variety of diseases and health problems. They are found in many parts of the world and are considered a major nuisance in many areas. Mosquitoes feed on the blood of animals and humans, and can transmit a variety of diseases to people, including malaria and West Nile virus. You can avail mosquito control services by Aardwolf.

How to Control Subterranean Termites

  1. Inspections & Treatments

The first step in controlling subterranean termites is to inspect the area for signs of infestation. This can be done by a professional pest control technician, who can identify any potential problems and recommend the best course of action for control. Once an infestation has been identified, treatments can be applied to the affected area to help eliminate the termites.

  1. Baiting & Monitoring Systems

Baiting and monitoring systems are an effective way to control subterranean termites. This type of system involves placing a bait station in or near the infested area, which contains a bait that is attractive to termites. The bait station is then monitored to detect any termite activity. If termites are found, the bait can be changed or replaced to eliminate the problem.

  1. Chemical & Nonchemical Controls

Chemical controls are often used to control subterranean termites. These include liquids, dusts, and baits that are applied to affected areas to kill the termites. Nonchemical controls, such as heat, cold, or light, are also available and can be used to help control the termite population. You can avail Subterranean Termites control services by Aardwolf.

How to Control Mosquitoes

  1. Larvicides

Larvicides are a type of insecticide that can be used to control mosquito populations. These chemicals are applied to areas where mosquitoes lay eggs and can help reduce the number of adult mosquitoes in the area.

  1. Residual Sprays

Residual sprays are a type of insecticide that can be applied to areas where mosquitoes rest or feed. These sprays will kill adult mosquitoes on contact and can help reduce the number of mosquitoes in the area.

  1. Adulticides

Adulticides are a type of insecticide that can be used to control adult mosquitoes. These chemicals are applied directly to adult mosquitoes, which will kill them on contact and help reduce the number of adult mosquitoes in the area.

  1. Biological Control

Biological control is another method that can be used to control mosquito populations. This involves introducing natural predators, such as dragonflies and bats, into the area to help reduce the number of mosquitoes in the area.


Aardwolf Pest Solutions provides reliable, affordable, and safe pest control services to help you get rid of troublesome pests like subterranean termites and mosquitoes. By inspecting and treating the affected area, using baiting and monitoring systems, and applying chemical or nonchemical controls, you can effectively control subterranean termites and mosquitoes. Additionally, you can use larvicides, residual sprays, adulticides, and biological control to further reduce the population of mosquitoes in your area.