Can chiropractic assist in treating my vertigo?

If you are experiencing Vertigo symptoms, you may wonder if you should get treatment. Your primary care physician may have rejected it, and the causes are frequently unidentified. Forty percent of persons over 40 are likely to suffer vertigo at least once. It can be a debilitating condition, as it often occurs without warning. However, numerous patients have overcome vertigo with chiropractic care and effective and reliable treatment for recurrent vertigo.

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a symptom, not a condition in and of itself. It is the abrupt feeling that you are spinning or the ground is shifting or tilting around you. Vertigo can produce acute bouts of vertigo that may be fleeting or continue for several hours or even days. Although it is rarely life-threatening, it can be debilitating and interfere with daily activities.

What Causes Vertigo & Dizziness?

In most instances, vertigo is caused by inner-ear issues and is NOT indicative of a more serious medical condition. However, suppose you are suffering frequent spells of dizziness along with hearing loss or tinnitus. In that case, you should consult your primary care physician so that they can rule out neurological disorders and discover the origin of your vertigo.

These are the most frequent causes of vertigo:

  • BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) is the cause of approximately fifty percent of episodes of vertigo. Microscopic crystals within the Otolith organs of the ear are responsible for gravity sensitivity. These crystals can get dislodged and migrate into the semicircular canals for various causes, making you more sensitive to changes in head position. Vertigo episodes are therefore caused by quick head movements, such as getting out of bed, glancing to the left or right when driving, or tilting your head up or down in any of your daily tasks. BPPV is not a severe disorder and is frequently misdiagnosed due to the absence of a clear explanation in most instances. It does, however, grow more prevalent as one age.
  • Neck damage – This vertigo is produced by poorly moving cervical spine joints, sometimes due to a whiplash accident or after surgery. Receptors in the muscles and joints of the neck transmit information on head movement and orientation to the brain and vestibular apparatus (parts of the inner ear responsible for balance). This system collaborates with a broader network within the body to preserve muscular coordination and balance. When this system malfunctions, receptors cannot interact with the brain, resulting in vertigo and other sensory dysfunctions.
  • Migraine – Vertigo symptoms are seen in up to 30 percent of migraine sufferers as part of the aura. Symptoms of vertigo may often indicate the development of a migraine in the same way that visual problems or sensitivity to light or sound may.
  • As with a neck injury, stress can cause your shoulder and neck muscles to tense to the point where the receptors in your muscles transmit inappropriate signals to your vestibular system, causing dizziness and vertigo.
  • Infection of the Inner Ear (Labryntithis) – A viral infection, which may have begun with a sore throat, a cold, or the flu, can inflame the vestibular nerve and impair your sense of balance. Vertigo associated with this viral infection often subsides after a week or two and does not linger after recovery.

What Can My Chiropractor Do to Help My Vertigo (BPPV)?

Chiropractic care is a great treatment choice when vertigo is caused by BPPV, a neck injury, a migraine, or stress.

We can analyse a patient’s symptoms by obtaining a complete medical history and examining their musculoskeletal system to establish the potential cause of their vertigo. In the instance of BPPV, we can execute a gentle manipulation (a modified version of the Epley Manoeuvre) to dislodge the crystals from the semicircular canals and return them to their proper location in the utricle. In nearly all instances, the treatment is effective on the first attempt, and patients are healed of vertigo. However, suppose the following inspection; we determine that the dizziness is caused by injury or stress to the neck’s muscles and joints. In that case, we can apply various chiropractic adjustments to the neck or even recommend massage therapy to alleviate the underlying causes of vertigo-like sensations.”

In cases of vertigo induced by BPPV, your chiropractor can execute the Epley Manoeuvre, a simple and easy treatment. There are no hazards involved with this treatment, which consists of the patient lying on a medical couch. At the same time, the chiropractor manipulates your head at various angles to realign the crystals in your inner ear. Your chiropractor may also instruct you in a few home exercises that benefit the vestibular system and brain-vestibular interaction.

When stress, migraine, or neck injury is proven to cause vertigo symptoms, chiropractic adjustments successfully realign the muscular-skeletal system and reduce muscle and joint inflammation.